Novanex LED Sign Monitoring System

The Display Monitoring System is accessed from the "My Displays" menu item on the Novanex support page:

After completing your purchase of the Display Monitoring System, Novanex support personnel will provide a login and password granting you access to your "My Displays".  The optional Display Monitoring System shown below provides a view of all installed displays:

The first column shows the unique Hostname assigned by your organization.  As you hover over the Hostname for each device, the Network Status is revealed:

The Device Status column shows "Online" or "Offline".

The status of each displays connection to your Emergency Notification Messaging Provider is revealed as you hover over the Provider connection state:

The Time/SNTP Status column will show the address of the time server providing time to the display, the time zone settings, when the last time synchronization was attempted and if the default time message has been enabled:

The last column is a free form description, locally editable, to help identify the physical location of your displays.

The icon with the gear at the top of the Description column turns on an option to email you when a display doesn't connect to the server.