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For college and university campuses, emergency communication takes many forms. These often include:

  • Text messaging / SMS
  • RSS feeds
  • Television emergency alerts
  • VOIP phone display
  • Desktop PC alerts

That can seem like a strong list, and certainly those are all areas where emergency dialog can help. However, even with those systems in place, there are still gaps. In areas where students, faculty and staff aren't logged into a computer or in front of a TV, how will they see emergency communication? SMS alerts can help, but administrators cannot rely on every individual on campus to have a phone that is both charged and registered to receive such messages.

Inova Solutions' LED displays provide a perfect opportunity to fill gaps in the campus emergency protocol by displaying clear, concise alerts in areas that lack another platform.

Where are your campus emergency gaps?

Classrooms, hallways, study areas, and dining halls are obvious candidates. These are places on campus where many people congregate, but don't necessarily have access to the tools already connected to the campus alert system. Additionally, in some cases, you can't rely on verbal communication or auditory cues to get the message across. For example, a loud, busy dining hall isn't an ideal place for a siren alert. Clearly displayed LED boards provide a much better source for important information.

When the boards are not in use, they can still display helpful messaging unrelated to emergency protocol. Inova Solutions' displays can be programmed for all kinds of messaging, including weather, scheduling updates, or even the score of the day's sporting event.

Leverage single-point data entry

Because you already have an emergency alert system you rely on, it doesn't make sense to make sweeping changes just to install LED displays. Ideally, you'll be able to leverage however many digital sign boards you need without affecting your SMS, RSS, desktop and TV alert system.

Inova Solutions' digital signs can fold right into that existing strategy - taking advantage of the single point of data entry so you don't have to access multiple platforms to send out emergency messaging. When time is of the essence, that's a crucial advantage. 

Additionally, each sign connects to the internet independently, meaning campus administrators can add signs on an ad hoc basis In other words, there's no need to invest in a costly system with an expensive server. Just add the signs you need and build from there.